Dirt Late Model Clothing for Ladies November 18 2013
As with all ideas, Dirty Girl Racewear was nothing more than a thought in my head at one time. I was inspired by a t-shirt that was for dirt bike enthusiasts! I just couldn't stop thinking about that shirt and how there was a need for race shirts geared towards the younger demographic (18-45) in dirt late model racing, which is my passion. I felt there was a need for a more hip, edgy, and just down right cooler race shirt. Well, the first design was released last year just before Christmas and since then we have literally sold to thousand of race fans, traveled all over the south and eastern states and as they say the rest is history! Since I am a woman I wanted one of these shirts too and changed the design a bit to incorporate everything I love. This included the awesome dirt late model race car on the shirt, a pink color scheme and a diamond (a girl's best friend right?!). Some of you may not have even noticed the "i" in Girl is dotted with a diamond! To my surprise the Dirty Girl ladies t-shirts are typically the best seller at the races we attend and online as well. The dirt late model racing t-shirt for ladies, Dirty Girl, is now available in a ladies cut t-shirt, a warm and cozy hoodie, a long sleeve shirt and tank top. You can also get a can cooler with the design, decals, as well as bottle cap necklaces and gorgeous custom lockets. There is something in every price point from $1.50 to $46 available. The Dirty Girl design will most likely always be our flag ship shirt and will remain near and dear to my heart. I guess you can say I am truly The Dirty Girl....
I hope to see you at a race track in the 2014 season, but if I don't you can still be a Dirty Girl by going online and purchasing your Dirty Girl Dirt Late Model Racing gear at www.dirtygirlracewear.com.
Below are a few pictures of what is available with the design.
$46.00 Available on our e-store by clicking on the picture above.
$25.00 available on our e-store by clicking on the picture above.
$8.00 available on our e-store by clicking on the picture above.
$1.50 available in our e-store by clicking on the picture above.
$3.00 available in our e-store by clicking on the picture above
$22.00 available in our e-store by clicking on the photo above.
$35.00 available in our e-store by clicking on the photo above.